In case you have not noticed, your computer or cell phones always remind you to have back up data just in case your device breaks or shuts down permanently. Thus, apart from what you have installed in your phone or laptop, you need to have the same copies in your electronics drive such as the external hard drive or flash drive. But when you do have a lot of it (especially when there is already more than one), storing them can be a problem.
Your Electronics Drive Is Not Safe Just Anywhere!
You have read that right. Putting them at the back of your closet does not protect your device for good. Your electronics drive, just like other auto parts, cannot be stored just anywhere in your house. The automotive drives component cannot be exposed to (a)static, (b)moisture, and (c)physical shock or damage. Once you are done using it, you need to put it away and tuck it securely where these three cannot reach it.
What You Can Do!
It is quite understandable if you really want to safe-keep your files in an electronics drive because you might need them someday in the future. Whether these may be pictures or term papers you had during your college years, it would be a nice feeling to go through them every once in a while to remind you of who you used to be that led you to becoming who you are now. So here are the most important things that you can do to store your old hard drives.
- Keep them in shelves that are out of reach kids’ reach. Even if your bedroom protects your privacy, it does not quite do it very effectively—even from your own self. There is a tendency that when you scurry to look for something, you might be pushing things around and drop them to the floor and that can include your hard drive. Make sure you put them at the top shelf where you can see them and make sure that the shelf is secure and not wobbly. More importantly, make sure that your hard drive does not rub against another hard drive that can damage the logic board.
- Keep them safe from static discharge. You know that instance when your finger touches something and you felt like you have been electrocuted? That is a static discharge. And that is not good for your hard drive. Make sure that you are static free before you touch that device.
- Keep them away from moisture. This threat is not as bad as the first two. However, it can still be damaging to your hard drive. So make sure that you store it in a cool and dry place so that it does not get corroded.
Files and photos that you have in your hard drives tell a thousand memories. So always have them backed up and store the back-up device securely like you would your memories.
automotive drives component, auto parts,electronics drive